October is not only my birthday month, but it's a month of many traditions for Bob and I. In 2022, October (or almost October) began with a visit to Katy to attend Eve and Brady's ward primary program at church. It was also when I (Sharon) was unable to reduce the swelling in my lower legs following our trip to Israel. A trip to the doctor resulted in an EKG and then some vein mapping to reveal that my heart is fine, but my veins are tiny. Venous Insufficiency means the pumping valves in my lower legs are not functioning properly, causing swelling around my ankles. But because my veins are so small, no procedures can be done to fix it and compression socks and water pills will be my solution. Thankfully, these treatments have helped tremendously and only an occasional pill is needed. We finished off the month by popping in to the Nunez annual Halloween party on the 29th.
But the standout event in October of 2022, was going to Utah! We arrived on Thursday, September 29 and returned home on October 6, 2022. Bobby's family, supply the Halloween decorations and events that rival any in the area. Bob and I spent most of Thursday helping Bobby set up his hauntingly humorous front yard Halloween display.
A beautiful rainbow shined forth it's approval that evening.
On Friday, Bobby took Bob and I up the Cottonwood canyon for a picnic and walk through the vibrant fall foliage. This was a particularly good year for fall color.
Saturday, Bob and I attended the afternoon session of General Conference in Salt Lake City. We also had tickets to the Sunday morning session. The temple was completed shrouded in scaffolding while undergoing renovations. This was our first time to attend in the beautiful new Conference Center (and to practice riding the Trax rail system.) It was fun to run in to the Nakatas on Saturday and the Rascons and Chappells on Sunday.
Sunday evening we went to Heber Valley to visit Jill's parents, Bill and Sandy, and to enjoy dinner with them in their newly built home. The home and views were spectacular, but just being with the Marble/Goodman family was the real treat.
On Monday morning, Bob and I attended Jill's spin class - she is one tough cookie! Ater that vigorous workout, we were ready for breakfast - big fatty donuts from Donut Star in Draper. And then we drove down to St. George to visit the Scofield's. They were our next door neighbors here, until the built a beautiful new home in Utah. Just look at the view of those red mountains from their balcony! We enjoyed being with them and even doing a little hike together on Tuesday morning. Jo is a champ - she is my "half-hearted" friend, with literally one-half of her heart removed. We love Jo and Kel with all our hearts.

We planned to spend that night with Jim and Shauna in their new home in Woodland Hills. But not without a quick stop for ice cream and cheese curds at The Creamery in Beaver. On our way in, we managed to see the "Dream (or Relief) Mine" in the side of the mountain in Salem, where we actually own stock inherited from my parents. It is an unproductive underground mine built by John Hyrum Koyle in the 1890s and incorporated in 1909. Koyle prophesied the mine would provide financial support for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Koyle's prophecies were controversial among leaders of the LDS Church, who excommunicated him in 1948.

Jim took us out on a very bumpy 4-wheeler ride after spending the night, so that we could experience the lovely views from the hills above his home. What a great new home for Jim and Shauna to enjoy after being so many years in Delta.
After seeing and coveting all these amazing new homes, it was time to go check on an old one. Jim, Bob and I drove up Springville Canyon to Hobble Creek, where Bob and I own a lot which mom and dad bought jointly with my aunt, Myrna Jeffers, years ago. They also bought property further up the mountain and were one of the first to build in that development, which shortly after went bankrupt. The cabin was built by hand by our families, who enjoyed and shared the rustic home for several years. Bob remembers going there with my family and I while we were dating. Although it is no longer owned by anyone from our families, it was fun to see that it is still being used and enjoyed by someone. Bob and I are holding onto the other property, which was purchased from both families many years ago. We are hoping that someday, we might see the development find a way to flourish.
Bob and I parted with Jim and continued our drive into Provo, where we met up with Kels and Stephanie for dinner. It was great to see a bit of my hometown, and catch up with Bob's brother.
Now that's a whole lotta pizza!

Somewhere amid all the fun, we managed to get together with Doug and Sandra, Dave and Melita, and Greg and Kristie for dinner at Little American in Salt Lake. We have the BEST families!
And now you know why we were overjoyed with October! Love you Bobby, Jill, Linley, Max and Elynor!