Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Doug, Sandra, Alex and Parker in Seoul

We felt really lucky to have my brother, Doug, and part of his family come visit us in Korea from March 27 - April 5, 2015!  Once again, we tried to pack in a pretty full agenda for the week and to mix it up a little from what we did with Dave and Melita a few months earlier.  Their son, Alex had just returned from serving an LDS mission in California and it was senior year spring break for his brother Parker, and a perfect time for Doug and Sandra to bring them for a visit.  Their daughters, Jessica and Michelle had to remain home with their busy young families in Utah.

Without a chance to recover from jet-lag, we headed out on Saturday morning to expose them to a brief history of Korea at the War Museum.

 We stopped for lunch in Myeongdong where they got their first taste of Korean cuisine with some chicken bulgogi.  While not too impressed with the food, they were dazzled by some of the designer stores and their price tags!

 A hike up Namsan Mountain to Seoul Tower, where they added their own "love locks" to the collection, completed our first day's adventures.

The following morning was spent attending church with our LDS Seoul English Branch.  Later that afternoon we walked to Deoksu Palace to watch the changing of the guard ceremony, dress up in traditional clothing, and be treated to some sword wielding demonstrations.


 Sunday evening concluded with a visit to Bongeunsa Temple . . .

 . . . and the nearby Seonjeongneung Royal Tombs.

 And all of this is just the tip of the touring iceburg!

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