Friday, September 25, 2015

Michael and Kristin's Wedding

As a follow up to my previous post, "Marriage Merriment", I am sharing more details and photos of our youngest son's wedding.  Michael and Kristin decided to hold a reception on Friday, May 1, 2015 - the evening prior to their sealing in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  Kristin's mom and stepdad helped put together the fun event at their church meetinghouse.  After signing the guestbook (and perhaps picking up a coloring book for the children), the opportunity to share inspirational advice or a favorite memory on a building block was encouraged.  Another activity was to record a date night idea on a stick to be pulled from a jar.

We enjoyed seeing family and friends, and were happy to reunite with many whom we have not seen for years. (Unfortunately, we don't have photos of most of them.) It was wonderful to reconnect with Page cousins from my Father's side of the family, as well as relatives from the Parkinson family (my mother's siblings).  We were surprised by a brief visit from our Flower Mound (Texas) neighbors and good friends, the Wellmans, whom we haven't seen in 17 years!  The Knudsen's son, (friends from Oklahoma), stopped by with his family. Last time we were together in Bartlesville was 2002.  And we enjoyed reconnecting with several of Michael's friends (and our seminary "kids") from The Woodlands, including Jordan, Aaron, Chad, Kailey, and Amanda.  It was fantastic to have the Ninows with us on Saturday.  Bob's cousin Ricky represented Grandma Goodman's side of the family.  Bob and I also had lots of support from our siblings and their families, and we appreciate weddings for the tremendous reunions they provide for all involved!


The mingling was paused to allow for the bride and her father, and the groom and his mother to share a dance together.  Then (thankfully), the bride and groom took over the dance floor with a romantic interlude that evolved into an entertaining mix of synchronized dance moves pulsing through several genres of music.  The crowd couldn't resist the desire to spontaneously boogie to the beat.

Shortly thereafter, the delicious chocolate wedding cake was sliced, the mini-bouquet and garter were tossed to hopeful bachelorettes and bachelors, and the festivities drew to a close.

The following morning, Bob and I hosted a wedding brunch at "The Gathering Place", at Gardner Village in West Jordan.  Bob conducted the event, during which we enjoyed a hearty breakfast and watched a touching video which I prepared of Kristin and Michael's lives. 

Kristin's brother, Ben, and Michael's sister, Stephanie, "roasted" their siblings (which I must say was hilarious).  Stephanie invited some of Michael's friends forward to demonstrate  Michael's crazy "shimmy" dance moves.  Kristin's parents and I shared words of wisdom (wink), before the bride and groom "toasted" each other.  It was a beautiful day and a lovely gathering with our loved ones.

May 2, 2015, was truly a perfect spring day, and the grand-kids took advantage of the opportunity to play in the garden.  Michael and Kristen found some great photo opportunities around the village before heading up the road to the temple.

The sealing (wedding ceremony) was the crowning event, and it took place in the beautiful Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  It was an intimate spiritual experience, and I know that both sets of Michael's deceased grandparents were there with us. The sealer advised them to "Be of Good Cheer" in all the challenges and joys of family life - advice they would have received from both Grandpa Goodman and Grandma Hill.  Photos were taken with family and friends on the gorgeous temple grounds.  The colorful tulips and spring flowers provided the perfect backdrop to this joyful day.

Kristin's Mom and Stepdad's family, her extended family, and her Dad and Stepmom's family.


Michael's immediate family and extended Hill family.

Michael's Friends

Our friends, The Ninows, and Michael's siblings.

The happily married couple.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Goodman!

(And best wishes to Kristin's brother, Ben and his fiancee, Lizzy,
who met at Michael and Kristin's wedding, and are now planning their own
in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple this December!)

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