Eve turned three on Chelsea's birthday, and though we couldn't be with Chelsea, Kristin hosted a fun party for Eve at their new home in Katy. Aren't these little owl cakes adorable?!
The Johnsons came up to celebrate Bob's birthday. We won't say how old he turned this year, because he definitely continues to exert himself as if he is 39 and holding!
Our last birthday celebration was with Emma, who turned 10 this year. We were glad to fill her wish list for a pocket knife and a watch.
We started out September with a Labor Day pool party and cookout. Michael's family and their friends from the Geology Department at BYU came to our home for some fun. Upon graduation, both families found jobs in Houston and live fairly close to one another. The Johnson's were with us and my niece, Karina and her boyfriend came down from Dallas for the celebration.
Bob and I left on a New England cruise September 4-14, just as Stephanie and Ben were receiving their household storage shipments from Wyoming and Paris. (The cruise will be covered in the following posts.) By the end of September, the Johnson Family was somewhat moved into their new home and hosted a housewarming party. Chelsea, Knox and Holly came over for the weekend and Michael, Kristin, Eve and Brady drove up to join the party. We enjoyed being together at a nearby park.
As much as we love being with family, it had been a long, sweet but stressful summer, and we were all ready for our lives to get back to "normal". As the Johnson family settled into their new home, Bob and I enjoyed some time alone together on a 10-day New England cruise.