Sunday, January 13, 2019

Celebrating Christmas 2018

Try as we may, we can't seem to gather our children and grandchildren to our home - or together anywhere!  We get it! . . . They all have young families and traveling with children, especially at Christmas time is difficult and expensive!  With hopes of getting everyone together in Texas next summer, Bob and I decided to make the rounds to our children's homes for the holiday.  With Sharon having just been in Paris with Stephanie and Ben's family, we had to leave the Johnson's on their own to celebrate Christmas this year.  And on December 18, 2018, Bob and I flew to Salt Lake City and rode the Frontrunner down to Orem.  We were anxious to spend some time with Michael, Kristin, Eve and Brady until Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, the flight caused me to have ear and sinus troubles, and I spent much of my holiday not feeling well.  Thankfully, Bob picked up the slack for me!

We drove through the Christmas music and light display down near Utah lake, which Eve and Brady were delighted with!  It only got better when grandpa treated us to a tasty ice cream dessert before going home.

Christmas came early for Brady and Eve, and I think Michael and Kristin were happy to have grandma and grandpa's presents opened and used while we were there.  Hip-hip-hooray for a new play kitchen and supplies for Eve and a basketball hoop for Brady!


Bob and I had requested that each of our children's families make some kind of artwork for our home this year.  Kristin and Michael made this cute canvas print using Eve and Brady's hand and foot-prints to decorate the star.  Love it!

We spent a fun afternoon together at "Coconut Cove" indoor play place.  Brady let us know when it was time to go home.

Sometimes, we just hung out at Michael and Kristin's beautifully remodeled home and played with Eve and Brady.  And they all came to our hotel to swim in the pool.

Bobby and Jill's family were tied up with plans to spend Christmas with some of the Marble family at the lodge in Pine Valley.  But we managed to get together with them for dinner on Thursday night and exchange Christmas presents.  They made a 7-piece canvas wall art inscribed with our name for our exercise room upstairs. Grandpa received a monster cereal game and I received another framed plaque which Jill made.  We are hoping that Linley, Max, and Elynor are excited about packing up their new luggage for their trip to Paris this spring.  A few Euros for each of them to spend sweetened the gift they received from us.

It was nice to get together with some of Bob's family, who gathered together for dinner on Friday night.  It had been way too long since we had seen Pam and almost all of her children and grandchildren who were in town; as well as Kels and Stephanie, who live in Orem.  It has been an exciting time for Pam, who recently reunited with a daughter she had given up for adoption as a young single mom years ago.  Her story was actually featured on an episode of the TV series, "Long Lost Family".

Doug and Sandra invited the Hill siblings to their home for a gourmet breakfast feast on Saturday morning. Dave, Melita, Greg, Kristie, Bob and I had such a fun time visiting with Doug and Sandra and catching up with each other!  Saturday evening, Bob and I met Michael, Kristin and her family at City Creek Mall for dinner before braving the cold to view the lights on temple square.  It was terribly crowded and extremely chilly that evening, so our venture did not last long.  But, it is a fun holiday tradition, and the Salt Lake Temple surrounded with Christmas lights is such a lovely sight.

Kristin's parents were kind enough to have us over and join their family for dinner and games on Sunday evening. Kristin treated us to a "Cafe Rio" style feast and we learned to play a fun new game called "Code Word".  (Sadly, no photos were snapped!)  Happy to have spent quality time with many of our family members, Bob and I left Utah early on Christmas Eve.  We flew back home, quickly repacked our bags and loaded up a few gifts to take to the Bosen Family, whom we would celebrate Christmas with for a few days.

It was quite late when Bob and I arrived in Temple, Texas on Christmas Eve.  After a few Christmas preparations, we were all snug in our beds.  Excited to see what Santa brought, we were awakened Christmas Day by the giggles of Knox and Holly ready to run downstairs.  Soon we were tearing into gifts, each in turn.  Santa did good with "bikes" and remote control cars for the kids.  A sandbox and soccer goals from Grandma and Grandpa seemed to score big as well.

That afternoon, we played with new toys and went out to the backyard to fill up the sandbox and enjoy the nice Texas Christmas weather.  We drove over to the park to let Knox practice riding his new bicycle, and play a little soccer.

Later that day, Chelsea finished up her amazing wooden family history gift for Bob and I, while Thomas cooked a traditional British Christmas feast.  I love the tradition they recently began, by making a Christmas meal from a different country every year.  Thomas prepared roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, braised cabbage and mashed potatoes for us to enjoy.  Aren't they creative!

The next day we enjoyed a little Frisbee golf competition.

And in the evening, we drove onto the military base at Ft. Hood to see the extensive Christmas light display they set up around Belton Lake.  Dinner at a Mexican restaurant finished off another perfect day.

 For our last day together, we decided to go to Sea World in San Antonio.  The weather was gorgeous - which meant we were there with the crowds!  We had a fun time observing the sea animals at play and watching several shows. 

 Although the lines were long for the rides, Knox and Holly hopped on a couple of them, and Chelsea and I even managed to ride the big roller coaster.  

The Sesame Street parade was a hit with Knox and Holly and overall, it was a great way to end our Christmas vacation. 

 Merry Christmas to All, and a Happy New Year!

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