Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Making Lemonade from Lemons - May & June 2020

Although 2020 was proving to be trying in many ways, May and June brought some terrific times with our children. Kristin and her kids came up for a few days April 31 - May 1, while Michael was away on business.  Dad was able to help Kristin replace break pads on her car.

Our yard and flowers thrived on the plentiful rain that fell during the spring.  We had never seen our magnolia tree so loaded with blooms.

Ben brought the kids up one night to "camp out" in our backyard for a Mother's Day gift to Stephanie (and me).  A huge bullfrog was enjoying our pool and caused quite the excitement.

Stephanie's Family, Bob and I, went to Michael's house to hold our own Sacrament Meeting together. Because of Covid 19 restrictions, families had been authorized to hold their own church services at home under the direction of proper Priesthood authority.  Following our Church's "Come Follow Me" lessons, we learned about Abinadi, Alma, and the wicked Priests of Noah from The Book of Mormon.  Our grandkids acted out the story beautifully, with Emma acting as narrator. 

Chelsea and kids came to live with us for a month on May 29.  ("Baby" Jude had just received a laser treatment for his "Port-wine stain" birthmark on his head.  So he was sporting his distinctive spotted giraffe look.) Thomas was finishing up his residency in Temple, but they sold their home and needed a place to stay until the Dicksons, who were renting our San Antonio home, moved out mid-June.  We had the home painted and installed new carpet so that the Bosen's could move back into our "refreshed" home. Thomas began his Emergency Room career in San Antonio. With everyone working at home and teaching school from home during the Covid 19 Pandemic, Bobby and family decided to come to Texas on the 29th and hang out with us until June 7.  It was a fun "cousin" time.  And as you can see, Dad was dressed to impress - the new Covid Conference call way of doing business!

Everyone had a blast on the beach of Spring Creek near the Johnson's home, and then cleaned off in their pool.

After holding church at our home on May 31, we enjoyed lots of family projects together. Bobby's family brought a bunch of geodes they collected in Utah and the kids cracked them open, with our Geologist, Michael, there to guide them through their questions.

Everyone worked on creating a Home Depot build kit, while Kristin and Michael prepared a delicious BBQ dinner for us to enjoy.

June 1, was a beautiful day to take all of the grandchildren to the Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center.

We let the kids all paint pictures, Jill created a beautiful driveway chalk mosaic, and Bobby led a fun game of croquet. Michael's Family headed to Utah and Washington to visit Kristin's family. And the rest of continued to party.  We enjoyed swimming and playing at the Johnson's house.

 We had a birthday celebration for Linley, Knox and Holly.  It was a mini-Olympics themed event and everyone had a blast competing for the gold!

We visited some splash pads (now called "spray grounds"), went to the frisbee park, and made things with clay.

After the crowds dispersed, a simple Father's Day was enjoyed with Chelsea, Knox and Holly. The following day, June 22, 2020, I (Sharon) had surgery on my left hand to realign the stretched out ligaments due to rheumatoid arthritis. I figured I might as well get it done while I was home because of  Covid 19 restrictions, anyway, and had already met all my medical out-of-pocket limits. The same surgery had been performed by Dr. Rosen on my right hand in 2017, and the healing process was terribly long and difficult.  Happily, this time, I had much less swelling and after just two and a half months of therapy, was feeling completely healed and had good use of my hand.

While turmoil in 2020 erupted all around us with "Black Lives Matter" protests, rioting, killing of police, Covid 19 restrictions, bans on church and public gatherings, school closings, working from home, political accusations and unrest, and all the resulting loneliness, depression, suicides, anger and abuse, it would have been easy to feel sorry for ourselves.  However, these sour lemons were easily transformed into sweet lemonade with the love and companionship of our dear family.  We will continue to drink up and enjoy the blessings that are ours, regardless of the challenges of 2020!

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