Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Jetting to Jerusalem

Bob and I were not home long after enjoying Gatlinburg with the Bosen Family, before we flew to Jerusalem on August 28, 2022.  But before doing so, a few things needed to happen. Eve turned six on the 8th, the same day that our daughter, Chelsea turned 33. Bob celebrated - wait - he simply had his 64th birthday - without even a single photo to witness it. And Bennett, who turned eight on August 1, was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the afternoon of the 20th. It was nice that the Bosen's were able to come over from San Antonio for the baptism. We couldn't be happier to know our family walks in obedience and faith.

One of the sister's which I minister to had a baby, so I gave her a baby shower earlier that morning. Thankfully, another sister in our ward had all kinds of party supplies which she let me borrow. It was a simple event held in the primary room at our church.

On the 28th, Bob and I boarded our Delta flight to Tel Aviv, Israel. Jim and Shauna had flown to Houston the night before to join us. We had booked a cruise which originated in Haifa, Israel, visiting several Greek Isles and then returning to Ashdod, Israel. We planned to arrive on the 29th, and spend the next two days touring Jerusalem, before the cruise departed on September 1.  All went smoothly with our flight, although the plane change in Paris, France was a nail biting experience, with a very short lay over. We made our connection, but much to my dismay, my luggage did not! Fortunately, I had packed an extra set of clothing and a few bathroom essentials in my carry-on bag (but it was a stressful couple of days in Jerusalem of uncertainty as to whether I needed to do some shopping for the cruise). After a crowded one-hour bus ride to Jerusalem, we made our way to our hotel, went out for a quick bite to eat in the cute, modern area nearby, and then caught our first views of the city from the rooftop of our hotel.  We were in for a couple of jam-packed days of sight-seeing in the Old City - the places that Jesus walked.  I had to pinch myself before falling asleep!

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